Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah the Artist

Most of you that know Sarah know that she has been artistic since she could pick up a crayon.
She used to cry when I would take the crayons away for bedtime. She designed 2 Hallmark cards by the age of 7. But somewhere along the way, she lost her confidence. She didn't feel she was good enough of an artist. I have encouraged her to continue the art classes at school. She is in an advanced drawing class right now. This is her latest assignment. She had to have a self portrait as well as other mediums and layers. She worked so hard over the weekend on the project and even pulled an "All-nighter" on Sunday night. Her hard work paid off. She got a 96 on the project AND the teacher is displaying it in the art cases at the school in the hallway!
Way to go Sarah!!!

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