Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Reflections

Today I am reflecting on my mother's day and what each of my children had to "give". I find it very interesting how each of my children managed to make me feel special in their own
"unique way".
We are always told how spirits are given to us, and that we can't choose who they are. We can help to mold them and guide them, but they come to earth with very different personalities.

Made a giant card at school. He tried to sneak in the garage door on Friday afternoon so that he could hide his card. But he became so excited to show me the card, that he gave it too me on Friday afternoon.

Wanted to buy me a gift but didn't ask her dad early enough to help her. She spent a couple of late hours on the computer on Saturday night making me a power point presentation to show me how much she loved me. It made me laugh, and that is sooo Lindsey.

Wrote me the most wonderful letter any mother could ever get from her daughter. It made me cry and cry and I will cherish it for years. She also, wanted to buy me a gift, but had given me ALL her money for the accident she had last week...I think that is more than give all that she had.

Couldn't wait to call me, and actually called me BEFORE church got out. Fortunately my phone was on vibrate so I didn't disturb Relief Society..but I could feel the phone vibrating in my purse and I KNEW it was her calling me. That made me smile! We were able to talk on the phone on my way home from Church. Just that simple act of a phone call from Meagan is something I will NEVER take for granted.

Made me breakfast in Bed. Ok...I had already taken a shower because we were going to be late for church, and I bought all of my favorite food so that he could easily pull them out of the fridge....but he still took the time to make it, and I love and appreciate his efforts each year. This one was a hard one for him having just lost his mom. they all leave me with the mess of the weekend to clean up...I count my blessings and feel so very thankful for my wonderful family!!! I am truly one of the luckiest women on Earth!


Amy Girl said...

I love your day. Totally get those little ones who can hardly wait to give their gifts.

Connor made a book and I could tell what was going on in his life each time his class wrote a page.
One of the pages read,

"Clever - when my grandmama died, her garage was filled with junk, so she ordered a garbage dump."

It cracked me and Phil up. I'm sure grandmama would have loved it too.

Heidi said...

That is so funny! Kids tell it like it is! Mitchell's primary had a book that was similar to that. Mitchell's was "My mom is awesome at...organizing the family. Once she cleaned my room and I kept it clean for 2 months!!"