Sunday, May 04, 2008

Mitchell Hits A HOMERUN !!!!!

I have to write about this moment!!!! Last night we had a late game. (8:00). Mitchell has really missed out on alot this season. Having missed some Sunday make-up games and then missing games during the Funeral, we have really felt like this season was a waste of time and money. We only had 3 games left in the season and last night I went out of obligation to our commitment to the team. Mitchell walked the first time up to bat. He even got to walk home. But we were losing very bad! By the time Mitchell got up to the plate the second time, we were losing 8 to 5! We had just about written this game off. There were 2 outs and Mitchell was at a full count on the pitch. I had stood up to walk to the dugout (to console him when he struck out)...I heard the distictinctive "POP" that the bat makes when you get a really good hit! I looked to see the ball FLYING up the 1st baseline. At first I felt sure it would go foul....but as I watched, I realized it was going fair and might even go out of the park. Unfortunately it didn't go out of the hit the fence in the outermost corner of the field. Mitchell was at 3rd base before they could even throw it back. He started to run for home but they held him for a second to see the throw. The catcher missed, and he dashed to homeplate! I was screaming so hard it hurt! This really put some momentum in the moment and....We went on to WIN the game 8 to 9. NOW THAT WAS BASEBALL!!!! It was probably the best game I have ever watched (and I have watched alot)


Amy Girl said...

Awesome! I love that you were screaming to hard it hurt. I can see and hear you.

I bet Mitchell felt like a million bucks. I will tell Cohne and Connor about his big hit tonight when I am tucking them in bed.

Laura said...

How exciting! Go Mitchell!