Friday, March 28, 2008

Success on the Field !!!

Last night was one the nights as a parent that makes you smile! My sweet little guy has been playing baseball for 8 seasons. He has had his successes, and his failures. He has mostly been placed on teams for "learning experience". It seems that our Heavenly Father wants to keep Mitchell humble. Last season was a painful one for him as he hit a terrible slump. His age group had switched over to all "kid pitch" which can be really difficult considering that alot of boys can't pitch well at all! So last season, we started to call him the "No swing Kreitlein" because he had decided to stand at the plate and take his chances at a walk, that theory only paid off about half of the time. The other half he was forced to strike out and walk back sadly to the dugout in defeat. This season, his coach has been working very hard at his hitting. He works with him in the cages for hours and throws him 'funky' pitches that an 8 year old might throw to him. LAST NIGHT WAS PAYOFF TIME!!! He managed to hit a single with an RBI in the second inning. It was the first hit of the night from any of the team (all the good hitters seem to be in a slump). He was so excited! Then in the 4th inning when he got up again. He hit a double with an RBI straight to center field all the way to the fence! It was an amazing hit! He was in HEAVEN!! He also got the chance to be the catcher for the entire game, and was rewarded at coach chat with "THE GAME BALL". Last night made the painful learning that he has had to endure all worth it because it made the success all the much sweeter!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Time!!

We love to make Sugar Cookies....only this year I seem to do it all alone. I couldn't get the enthusiasm that I normally get from the kids.
The only signs of spring in our Yard was the Bradford Pear Trees. The grass is still ugly brown. Easter was just too early this year.
Mitchell got his first "real tie" He normally only has the "zip" ties. These are easy and look nice, but he can earn an arrow point for learning how to tie a tie. Fortunately they didn't have Bishopric meeting on Easter so Scott could help out. I am a lefty and I am not sure I could have done it. My kids had to learn how to tie their shoes from others because I couldn't do it.

Our Holiday would never be complete without the "Peeling of The Deviled Eggs" ritual that we go through every holiday. I think my kids just like to destroy things!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Families Are Forever !!

Mitchell and Lindsey have a love hate relationship. Lindsey loves to tease him, Mitchell hates Lindsey. Lindsey's favorite way to tease Mitchell, is to go in his room while he is doing his homework and move things around. Mitchell is a very organized person, and Mitchell is neat and tidy. He can't stand for her to mess up his he had finally had it! He posted a sign on his door to inform her that she was not welcome in his room.
Lindsey got the best of him yet again. She also posted a sign on her door. Now granted...she really just wanted to get him and get him good. So she posted this sign.
Lindsey was so happy with her new way of teasing him. Of course this made Mitchell madder and madder. Just wait day he will be bigger and stronger.
Aren't Children wonderful?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What Point Are You At in Life?

This morning, as I was brushing my teeth, I looked at my toothpaste. Suddenly and without warning, I realized that the days of having small children in my home were fast leaving me. How did I come to this "revelation" just by looking at a tube of toothpaste? Most mothers know a mother's home by the vast amounts of "baby products" in the home. Your home becomes taken over by cribs, toys, strollers in the back of your car, diapers, wipes, baby shampoo etc... These baby items are taken slowly from your home so that you don't notice the subtle changes in your life. For instance, I can't remember even having a stroller in the back of my car, it has been replaced for 4 years with baseball equipment. I jump for joy when I pass the diaper isle at Wal-mart knowing I don't have to spend our money on poop control. But it is the subtle things that finally make me realize that I have left the "young mother's club" and moved on to the pre-teen teen era. Of course I have joined the ranks of the moms with big cell phone bills. At a point on a recent vacation we joked about our family having not one cell phone, not two cell phones, not three cell phones....but yes...count them yes....5 cell phone lines while on VACATION! We could be reached no matter what.
However...the most subtle difference of all? I only buy adult TOOTHPASTE now. Even Mitchell wants minty toothpaste instead of a fruit flavor. And some how that made me very meloncholy this morning. I began to think about my children and how fast motherhood has flown by. I realize that the ONLY baby product I buy for my 8 year old son now is children's shampoo.
STOP THE MERRY GO ROUND...I want to stay in young motherhood for a while!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mitchell is Sick With a Fever

Do you remember the days when you were a little child, and you mother declared you
S I C K...and you got to stay home from school? What a treat that was! I remember those days seemed so long, and it felt so good to just lay on the couch and watch TV. Today, My little guy woke up burning hot with fever. He doesn't get sick very often, and actually DOESN'T want to miss school. He actually cried because he WANTED to go to school. Of course, I have to be a responsible parent and not send my child to infect the rest of the school population. (Although I am sure he got it from some one in class whose mother didn't do her due diligence :) His fever got the best of him, and eventually he went back to sleep for the rest of the morning. However, when he woke up and the Motrin kicked in, he felt sure is great to be at home, AND feel good!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring is Finally Here!!!

So I have been searching for any signs that our wacky winter is over. The only signs that I have seen so far are the massive amounts of weeds in my yard. I am quite embarassed! Neighbors with too many weeds was actually a topic at our HOA meeting this Scott and I sunk further and further into our chairs.

Finally today it is warm, and comfortable enough to wear my favorite flop flops to the ball field for Mitchell's game. Too bad I dropped the garbage can on my big toe this morning and have an awful bruise to show off in my flip flops! I am so excited to feel the sun and watch my son play baseball this afternoon. Life is good!