Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Orleans !

I didn't bring my camera to New Orleans. It felt "impowering" or "empowering" or however it is that you spell it. But it seems like I live my life from the back end of a camera. Our family is in New Orleans for a couple of days while Scott does business. I started to pack my camera and then decided.....naw...I think I will just enjoy the trip and forget about retaining the memories. We literally did NOTHING today. It felt wonderful. We ate breakfast in the hotel lobby (and fought 50 other people to get the last batch of waffle mix). Then the kids sat in the HOT jacuzzi and tried to swim in the COLD swimming pool. Then we just sat around the hotel room and slept and read. It was kind of fun to do nothing. Of course by about 5:00 we were going stir crazy and had to take a walk. New Orleans is a fun place to walk around. We happened across a fun little outdoor area that was decorated with Christmas Trees, lights and fake snow blowing while festive music played. It had to be fake is 70 degrees here! I am so thankful that we get to tag a long on Scott's business trips from time to time. It is more fun to sit around in a hotel room than do laundry at home :)
As soon as I get a minute, I will post pictures from Scott's and I's trip to NYC. It was a fun time.


Amy Girl said...

What a great way to spend a day. I also like how you decided not to bring your camera. Now you can't feel guilty for not taking enough pictures! Very clever.

We are having a lazy Sunday. I worked with Connor in his Wolf book.

This week we are going swimming at a friends house (indoor pool heated by a natural hot spring), so Cohen can pass off a Webelo badge. He and Connor will also earn their swimming belt loop and pin. I've bribed Sadie into doing a YW value every day, so she can have a friend over every day and a party at the end of the week with some girls. This is what we do when the dad doesn't travel, and we stay home during break while he works.

Oh, and then there's the Wii - that's taking up some time as well.

Speaking of New Orleans. Phil and I saw "The curious case of Benjamin Button" last night. It took place in New Orleans. We really enjoyed it.

Heidi said...

The WII is the best invention in the history of gaming!!! We have had ours for 2 years and still love it. This year we got Rock Band and WII Fit. I can't wait until the kids go back to school so I can try out the Wii Fit without anyone laughing at me!

Sarah wants to see Benjamin Button but we really want to see Seven Pounds today.

Is Connor enjoying the Wolf? Mitchell gets to start Bear this week since he will be 9 on Sunday. I got him the book for his birthday. (am I bad for using that as a gift?) My girls are so bad at Personal Progress. I need to get tough. Sarah is almost done with the projects but won't do the basic stuff...go figure?

Karlene said...

Aw, what a great vaca, just "chillaxe" as my boys would say and do nothing. I need a weekend like that, it's way overdue. Glad you had such a good time.